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OUR PRIVACY POLICY HAS NOT CHANGED! We do not now, or have we ever, shared your personal information with any third party.

Mainly Minis Dollhouse Miniatures takes your privacy as seriously as you do. To help ensure your privacy, we use encryption technology to keep your personal information as secure as possible. This includes your billing, credit card, and account information; none of this can be read as it travels to our system.

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise share your personal information, such as name, email address, physical address, phone numbers, buying history, etc. You do not have to worry about receiving unsolicited email from other companies or individuals as a result of shopping at Mainly Minis

In order to make shopping and shipping easier, you need to complete our registration process, which includes setting up a unique Username and Password. To modify your personal information, you will need to click on "MY ACCOUNT", and enter your user name and password. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices, please contact us.

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The products on this site are collectible miniatures for adults and are not meant for children